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Turtle Man

A member registered Feb 08, 2019

Recent community posts

NVM im just dumb

How does one get the construction job? I can't find a way to use the construction book.

Very Nice 9/10, would play again

(2 edits)

The mac .Rar file doesn't produce any useable application when opening it with unarchiver or keka

Edit: added picture of software used, Keka is 1.12.5

It doesn't seem like the gallery works on mac

Of course this great marvel of a game isn't free ya slob, if ya really want the full game buy it on steam because SteelRaven7 shouldn't have to waste his time on people like you who just want to get some free kicks out of someones hard work

NVM now its working for some reason

those are there but when i  save and quit game my file isn't there

it pulls up a window that shows the games files

Autonauts community · Created a new topic how do you save?

I play on mac and I can't find out why I can't save